dbt Cheat Sheet

dbt (data build tool) is extensively utilized for data transformation in the analytics engineering field, operating on top of data in warehouse technologies. dbt enables data analysts and engineers to transform, test, and document data in the environment of the warehouse itself. This dbt Cheat Sheet offers a comprehensive reference to the most commonly used dbt commands, including their arguments, and graph and set operators.

Anatomy of a dbt command

A dbt command typically includes a primary action (such as run, test, or compile), which can be accompanied by a series of arguments and operators that help to selectively execute and manage your data transformations:

  • Command: The primary action dbt is to perform, like run or test.
  • Arguments: Options such as --select or --exclude that specify which models or tests to include or omit.
  • Graph Operators: Symbols like + or @ that define relationships and dependencies between models, allowing you to include ancestors (upstream models) or descendants (downstream models).
  • Set Operators: Used within arguments like --select to combine or intersect sets of models.

Example command:

# Run all models in models/staging, while excluding any models tagged as 'deprecated'
dbt run --select models/staging --exclude tag:deprecated

dbt Arguments

dbt supports a range of command-line arguments that enable selective and efficient execution of data transformation tasks. These arguments, such as --select, --exclude, --state, and --defer help manage and optimize dbt runs by targeting specific nodes or leveraging past run artifacts.

Specifies the nodes (models, tests, seeds) to run. Use node names, tags, or paths.

dbt run --select sales_model

Excludes specific nodes from the dbt run.

dbt run --exclude long_running_model

Filters nodes by type (model, seed, test, snapshot).

dbt ls --resource-type model

Executes nodes specified in a predefined YAML selector file (opens in a new tab).

dbt run --selector weekly_jobs

Points to a directory with historical artifacts to compare changes.

dbt run --select state:modified+ --state ./path/to/artifacts

Uses results from previous runs for upstream dependencies not directly selected. Ideal for development to reuse production assets without recomputation. Pair with the --state flag to locate previous artifacts.

dbt run --select revenue_forecast+ --defer --state ./path/to/prod/artifacts

Supports building schema-only dry runs by limiting refs and sources to zero rows. Useful for validating dependencies and ensuring models build properly without expensive reads of input data.

dbt run --empty

Treats incremental models as table models, ideal for recreating them following schema changes or reprocessing entire models due to updates in logic.

dbt run --full-refresh

dbt Graph and Set Operators

The Graph and Set operators provide powerful methods for selectively running transformations based on complex relationships and criteria within your data models.

Graph Operators

The "plus" operator (+)
Selects all ancestors (upstream) or descendants (downstream) of a model, including the model itself. Place + at the start to select ancestors, at the end to select descendants, or both to select both.

# select `sales_model` and all its descendants
dbt run --select "sales_model+"
# select `user_engagement` and all its ancestors
dbt run --select "+user_engagement"
# select `daily_metrics`, its ancestors, and descendants
dbt run --select "+daily_metrics+"

The "n-plus" operator (n+)
Adjusts the depth of the + operator to specify exact generations of ancestors or descendants.

# select `customer_demographics` and its descendants up to two levels down
dbt run --select "customer_demographics+2"
# select `revenue_forecast` and its first-degree ancestors
dbt run --select "1+revenue_forecast"
# select `order_items`, two levels of ancestors, and three levels of descendants
dbt run --select "2+order_items+3"

The "at" operator (@)
Selects a model, all its descendants, and the necessary ancestors of those descendants, ensuring all can be built successfully.

# select `marketing_spend`, its descendants, and the ancestors of its descendants
dbt run --select "@marketing_spend"

Set Operators

Combines multiple model selections into one set; any model listed in any of the selections is included.

# run `inventory_levels`, all its ancestors, and `customer_retention`, and all its ancestors
dbt run --select "+inventory_levels +customer_retention"

Selects only models that meet all criteria specified. Separate selections with commas to indicate intersection.

# run common ancestors of both `monthly_sales` and `quarterly_goals`
dbt run --select "+monthly_sales,+quarterly_goals"
# select common descendants of `product_details` and `category_summaries`
dbt run --select "product_details+,category_summaries+"
# run models in the `marts/supply_chain` directory tagged `urgent`
dbt run --select "marts.supply_chain,tag:urgent"

dbt Commands


Fundamental commands that are commonly used in daily operations and critical for routine dbt tasks.

dbt run Explore ↗
Executes models in a dbt project.

accepts: --select, --exclude, --selector, --resource-type, --defer, --empty, --full-refresh

# run `sales_model` and all its descendants
dbt run --select "sales_model+"
# Run all models tagged as 'daily' while excluding a specific model
dbt run --select tag:daily --exclude "long_running_model"

dbt test Explore ↗
Executes tests defined on models, sources, snapshots, and seeds. Supports running both data tests and schema tests.

accepts: --select, --exclude, --selector, --defer

# Run all tests in a project
dbt test
# Run only unit tests
dbt test --select test_type:unit
# Exclude specific tests from execution
dbt test --exclude "stale_data_check"

dbt seed Explore ↗
Loads data from CSV files into your data warehouse, creating or replacing static tables. Useful for small reference data sets or lookup tables.

accepts: --select, --exclude, --selector

# Load all seed files in the project
dbt seed
# Load specific seed file with detailed output
dbt seed --select "regions" --show
# Refresh all seed data while providing detailed logging
dbt seed --full-refresh --show

dbt snapshot Explore ↗
Executes jobs defined in a project to capture and track changes to a queried dataset over time (similar to SCD2). Useful for historical data tracking and change auditing.

accepts: --select, --exclude

# Run all snapshot jobs within a project
dbt snapshot
# Execute a specific snapshot job
dbt snapshot --select "my_snapshot"
# Exclude a snapshot from execution
dbt snapshot --exclude "old_snapshot"

dbt build Explore ↗
Executes models, runs tests, snapshots snapshots, and seeds seeds, following the dependencies defined in the DAG. Useful for complete builds of selected resources or the entire project.

accepts: --select, --exclude, --selector, --resource-type, --defer, --empty, --full-refresh

# Execute a complete build of all project components
dbt build
# Execute a full-refresh build, reprocessing all incremental models
dbt build --full-refresh
# Perform a schema-only dry run to validate model deps without processing data
dbt build --empty

dbt docs Explore ↗
Generates and serves documentation for your dbt project. It compiles resources and metadata into a searchable and interactive website.

accepts: --select, --no-compile, --empty-catalog

# Generate documentation for all project components
dbt docs generate
# Serve the generated documentation locally on a custom port
dbt docs serve --port 8081
# Generate documentation without re-compiling models
dbt docs generate --no-compile
# Generate documentation with limited node inclusion
dbt docs generate --select "tag:critical"


Commands that are used for specific scenarios that may require a more detailed understanding of dbt functionalities or involve complex operations.

dbt clone
Clones selected models from the specified state to the target schema; uses database-specific features like zero-copy cloning where available. Supports use cases such as blue/green deployments and development schema updates.

accepts: --state, --select, --full-refresh, --threads

# Clone all models from a specified state to your target schemas
dbt clone --state path/to/artifacts
# Clone a model from a past state and refresh all relationships in the target env
dbt clone --select "target_model" --state path/to/artifacts --full-refresh
# Clone models with increased parallel processing using 4 threads
dbt clone --state path/to/artifacts --threads 4

dbt run-operation
Executes a specific macro within the dbt project, allowing for the running of customized SQL operations directly through dbt.

accepts: --args

# Execute a macro to grant select permissions with specified arguments
dbt run-operation grant_select --args '{role: "analyst"}'
# Run a maintenance macro to clean up old models, specifying days and dry_run status
dbt run-operation cleanup_old_models --args '{days: 30, dry_run: False}'
# Perform a custom operation to update data partitions
dbt run-operation update_partitions --args '{partition_date: "2023-01-01"}'

dbt source freshness
Assesses the recency of data in source tables.

accepts: --select, --exclude, --selector, --output

# Check the freshness of all sources in the project
dbt source freshness
# Validate freshness for a specific source table
dbt source freshness --select "source:google_ads.campaign"
# Output freshness results to a custom JSON file
dbt source freshness --output custom_freshness_results.json


Utility commands that assist with project setup, troubleshooting, and maintenance, which might not be used daily but are essential for project health and optimization.

dbt init
Initializes a new dbt project by creating necessary configuration files and directory structures.

accepts: --profile

# Initialize a new dbt project with a specific profile
dbt init my_new_project --profile my_profile
# Create a new dbt project with default settings
dbt init my_fresh_project

dbt deps
Manages and updates project dependencies specified in the packages.yml file.

accepts: --no-partial-parse, --upgrade, --add-package, --source

# Update and reinstall all dependencies
dbt deps --upgrade
# Add or update a specific package configuration
dbt deps --add-package dbt-labs/dbt_utils@1.2.0 --source git
# Install a package from a local directory
dbt deps --add-package /path/to/local/package --source local

dbt ls (list)
Lists all the resources within a dbt project. It can filter resources based on type, tags, or custom selectors.

accepts: --resource-type, --select, --models (Similar to --select + --resource-type=model), --exclude, --selector, --output, --output-keys

# List all models in JSON format
dbt list --resource-type model --output json
# List all sources with a specific tag in name format
dbt list --select tag:raw --output name
# Exclude specific models and list the rest
dbt list --exclude "stg_orders" --output path

dbt clean
Removes all directories listed in the clean-targets section of the dbt_project.yml. Useful to clean up dbt_packages and target directories.

accepts: None

dbt clean

dbt compile
Generates SQL from project models without executing them. Stores the SQL files in target/ directory.

accepts: --select, --exclude, --selector, --inline

# Compile a specific staging model to review its SQL
dbt compile --select "stg_orders"
# Compile an inline SQL statement referencing a raw customers table
dbt compile --inline "select * from {{ ref('raw_orders') }}"

dbt debug
Tests the database connection and displays configuration details for debugging.

accepts: --config-dir

# Run a basic debug to test connection and environment setup
dbt debug
# Show configured location for the profiles.yml file
dbt debug --config-dir

dbt parse
Analyzes and validates your dbt project structure, checking for Jinja or YAML syntax errors.

accepts: --no-partial-parse

# Perform a standard parse of the dbt project
dbt parse
# Force a complete re-parse of the entire project, ignoring any cached results
dbt parse --no-partial-parse

dbt retry
Re-executes the last dbt command starting from the point of failure.

accepts: None

# Retry the last dbt command after a failure
dbt retry
# Example where the retry command successfully reruns a failed model after the error is fixed
dbt run --select "faulty_model"
# Assume "faulty_model" fails due to a syntax error
dbt retry # After fixing the syntax error
# Example demonstrating idempotent behavior when no changes are made after a failure
dbt run --select "stable_model"
# Assume "stable_model" fails and no changes are made to address the failure
dbt retry # Will likely fail again without changes

dbt show
Compiles and executes the SQL definition of a model, test, analysis, or any dbt-SQL query, displaying the results directly in the terminal for preview.

accepts: --select, --inline, --limit

# Preview the first 5 rows from a specific model's output
dbt show --select "stg_customers"
# Execute and display results of an arbitrary query from a model
dbt show --inline "select * from {{ ref('stg_products') }}"
# Display a custom number of rows for a model's preview
dbt show --select "stg_orders" --limit 10