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The Data Must Flow. Reliably.

Y42's Turnkey Data Orchestration Platform gives you a unified space to build, monitor and maintain a robust flow of data to power your business

Y42 application user interface showing nodes connected in a directed acyclic graph

Your data flows are fragmented across a galaxy of tools

start_bash_task = BashOperator(task_id=’tedious’, bash_command='echo "Starting DAG execution"', dag=’unpredictable’); git rebase -i e1234ab pick a5678cd yolo commit; if __name__ == ‘__main__’: # PEP-8 unsafe data = fetch_data(wasteful) ?? with base as (select * from {{ source(‘expensive’, ‘fizz_bang’) }} where date = ‘{{ execution_date }}’;

You're bogged down by maintenance work that has little business impact.


When one part fails, you have no idea how it affects other processes.


Your version control workflow involves re-building the same tables over and over again.


You have no clue which steps are actually driving up your cloud data warehouse costs.

The only Turnkey Data Orchestration Platform

Dive into data, not infrastructure.

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