Alter Table Structure

Snowflake ALTER TABLE: How to Modify Table Structures

The ALTER TABLE command in Snowflake allows you to modify an existing table’s structure or properties directly without needing to recreat it. It enables you to:

  • Rename or swap tables.
  • Add, modify, or drop columns.
  • Adjust settings like data retention times or schema evolution.
  • Apply data governance measures such as tags and access policies.


Rename a Table

Snowflake SQL Query

ALTER TABLE original_table RENAME TO new_table_name;


This command changes the name of an existing table from original_table to new_table_name. It’s a simple way to update the table’s identifier without affecting the data within it.

Swap Two Tables

Snowflake SQL Query

ALTER TABLE table_one SWAP WITH table_two;


Use this command to interchange the names and all associated properties between two tables. It’s like renaming two tables simultaneously in a single operation, which can be handy during system migrations or when promoting a staging table to production.

Add New Column

Snowflake SQL Query



This adds a new column named age with an integer data type to the employees table. Adding a column lets you store additional data about each entry in the table without affecting existing data.

You can find more configurations and properties that can be set up when adding a new column here.

Rename a Column

Snowflake SQL Query

ALTER TABLE employees RENAME COLUMN firstname TO first_name;


If you need to correct or change a column name for clarity or standards compliance, use this command. It updates the column’s name from firstname to first_name, making it clearer and more consistent with common naming conventions.

Drop and Add a Row Acceess Policy in One Command

To replace an existing row access policy with a new one:

Snowflake SQL Query

ALTER TABLE my_table
DROP ROW ACCESS POLICY existing_policy,
ADD ROW ACCESS POLICY new_policy ON (column_name);

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