Truncate Tables

Snowflake TRUNCATE TABLE: Clear Table Data

The TRUNCATE TABLE command in Snowflake is a command used to clear all data from a table while maintaining its structure, including any defined schemas, privileges, or constraints. This makes it useful for scenarios where you need to reset the table data without altering its setup, which is often needed in development or testing environments.




  • TABLE: This keyword is optional and is typically used for clarity.
  • IF EXISTS: This clause prevents errors by only attempting to truncate the table if it already exists.
  • name: The name of the table to truncate. If the table’s name includes spaces or special characters, enclose it in double quotes (e.g., "My Table"). The name can be fully-qualified (including the database and schema names) or just the table name if the database and schema context is set for the session.

Usage Notes

  • Data Removal: Truncating a table removes all rows but does not remove the table itself. The metadata defining the table’s structure, such as its columns and constraints, remains unchanged.
  • Load Metadata Deletion: Unlike other data deletion commands (like DELETE), TRUNCATE TABLE also deletes the table’s load metadata. This allows the same files to be reloaded into the table without conflict.
  • Time Travel: While the data and load metadata are removed, the deleted data is still temporarily accessible through Snowflake’s Time Travel (opens in a new tab) capability for the duration of the data retention period set for your account or table. However, once this period expires, the data cannot be recovered.
  • Performance: TRUNCATE TABLE is generally faster than deleting rows using a DELETE statement, especially for large tables, because it does not scan the table to apply row-level operations.


Truncating a Table

Create and Populate a Table

INSERT INTO synthetic_data SELECT seq8() FROM table(generator(rowcount=>20));

Verify Data Insertion

Check that the data was inserted correctly:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM synthetic_data;

This should return 20, indicating there are twenty rows in the table.

Truncate Table

Now, truncate the table:


This command clears all data in the temp table.

Verify the Table Is Empty

Finally, verify that the table is empty:

SELECT COUNT(*) FROM synthetic_data;

This should return 0, showing that all rows have been removed.

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