Search Values in Arrays

Snowflake ARRAY_CONTAINS: Searching Values in Arrays

The ARRAY_CONTAINS function is checking whether a specific value is present in an array.


The basic syntax for the ARRAY_CONTAINS function is:

ARRAY_CONTAINS(<value_expr>, <array>)


  • <value_expr>: This is the value you are searching for within the array. It should be of a type that is comparable to the elements within the array.
  • <array>: This is the array within which the search is conducted.

The function returns a BOOLEAN: TRUE if the specified value is found in the array, FALSE otherwise.

Usage notes

  • ARRAY_CONTAINS does not support wildcards in the value_expr.
  • To utilize wildcards, you could convert the array to a string using ARRAY_TO_STRING and then use SQL pattern matching functions like LIKE or REGEXP_LIKE.


Search for a Value in an Array

Imagine we have a table named galactic_travel_guide that contains information about different planets in the galaxy. Each row represents a planet and includes an array of famous quotes or features that the planet is known for.

Now, suppose you’re compiling a guide for travelers who are particularly interested in planets known for “towels”. We can use ARRAY_CONTAINS to find out which planets they should definitely plan to visit.


Table: galactic_travel_guide

Earth['mostly relaxed', 'blue planet']
Vogon['poetry', 'construction bypasses']
Magrathea['luxury planets', 'deep thought']
Betelgeuse['trippy area', 'towels']

Snowflake SQL Query

SELECT planet_name, ARRAY_CONTAINS('towels'::VARIANT, notable_features) AS is_towel_famous
FROM galactic_travel_guide;


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