Manage Data Sources in dbt

dbt sources: Managing Data Sources in dbt

In dbt, sources are objects representing raw data tables loaded into your data warehouse by your ELT processes. By defining these tables as sources within your dbt project, you can manage data lineage, validate assumptions about data integrity, and monitor the timeliness of your data with freshness checks (opens in a new tab).


Sources in dbt are defined within YAML files under the sources: key, typically stored in the models/ directory.

These definitions allow you to specify the database and schema of your source tables, and assign a logical name used within dbt.

Example of a source declaration:

- name: sales_data
database: analytics
schema: raw_sales
- name: transactions
- name: customers

This setup enables you to manage source metadata centrally and leverage dbt’s powerful features to interact with these tables directly in your transformation models.

Using the {{ source() }} Function

Once a source is defined, you can reference it in your models using the {{ source() }} function. This not only helps in creating clean and manageable code but also ensures that dependencies are correctly understood and handled by dbt.

Example of selecting from a source in a model

select t.customer_id, sum(t.amount) as total_spent
from {{ source('sales_data', 'transactions') }} as t
join {{ source('sales_data', 'customers') }} as c on t.customer_id = c.id
group by t.customer_id;

This SQL snippet joins transactions and customers tables from the sales_data source.

Testing and Documenting Sources

Adding tests to sources is a best practice that helps ensure your assumptions about the underlying data hold true throughout the lifecycle of your data products.

Example of adding tests and descriptions to sources

- name: sales_data
description: "Data loaded from the online transaction system."
- name: transactions
description: "Records of all sales transactions."
- unique:
column_name: transaction_id
- not_null:
column_name: transaction_date
- name: customers
description: "Customer information."
- name: id
description: "Unique customer identifier."
- unique
- not_null

This configuration enhances the maintainability of your project by making it easier for new team members to understand the data structures and for existing team members to ensure data quality.

Monitoring Data Freshness

dbt allows you to configure freshness tests for your sources, which can alert you if your data isn't updated within expected timeframes, critical for maintaining SLAs.

Example of configuring source freshness

- name: sales_data
warn_after: { count: 24, period: hour }
error_after: { count: 48, period: hour }
- name: transactions
loaded_at_field: last_updated
warn_after: { count: 6, period: hour }
error_after: { count: 12, period: hour }

By setting these parameters, dbt helps you keep track of how current your data is, enabling proactive management of data pipelines.

Y42 Lineage Mode

Manage Sources and dbt Models in one place

Build end-to-end pipelines using a single framework.

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