dbt-utils Functions

dbt utils: Enhance Your dbt Workflow

The dbt-utils (opens in a new tab) package is a powerful set of utility macros and functions that extend the core functionality of dbt. It simplifies many common tasks and enhances your ability to perform complex transformations and analyses within your dbt projects.

What is dbt utils?

dbt-utils is a package developed by dbt Labs that provides a collection of reusable macros and functions. These utilities help streamline various data transformation tasks, making it easier to write clean, efficient, and maintainable dbt models. The package includes macros for generating SQL code, validating data quality, and simplifying repetitive tasks.

How to Install dbt Utils

To use dbt-utils in your dbt project, you need to add it as a dependency in your packages.yml file and then install it using the dbt deps command.

  1. Add to packages.yml:

- package: dbt-labs/dbt_utils
version: 0.8.6

  1. Install the package:

dbt deps

Commonly Used Functions and Examples

1. date_spine

This macro generates the SQL needed to create a date spine, a continuous series of dates. The spine will include the start_date (if it aligns with the specified datepart), but will not encompass the end_date.

{{ dbt_utils.date_spine(
start_date="cast('2019-01-01' as date)",
end_date="cast('2020-01-01' as date)"
) }}

2. get_relations_by_pattern

This macro retrieves a list of relations that match a specified schema or table name pattern. It’s especially useful when used in conjunction with the union_relations macro.

-- Retrieves relations matching the schema pattern and table pattern
{% set relations = dbt_utils.get_relations_by_pattern('schema_pattern%', 'table_pattern') %}
-- Example using the union_relations macro
{% set ads_relations = dbt_utils.get_relations_by_pattern('ads%', 'clicks') %}
{{ dbt_utils.union_relations(relations = ads_relations) }}

3. union_relations

This macro combines multiple relations using UNION ALL, handling cases where columns may be in different orders or some columns are missing from some relations. It fills missing columns with NULL and adds a new column (_dbt_source_relation) to indicate the source of each record.

{{ dbt_utils.union_relations(
relations=[ref('my_model'), source('my_source', 'my_table')],
) }}

4. generate_series

This macro generates a sequence of numbers up to a specified upper bound, providing a cross-database mechanism for creating a 1-indexed result set.

{{ dbt_utils.generate_series(upper_bound=1000) }}

5. generate_surrogate_key

This macro creates a hashed surrogate key from specified fields, providing a consistent way to generate unique keys across different databases.

{{ dbt_utils.generate_surrogate_key(['column_a', 'column_b']) }}

6. log_info

This macro logs a formatted message, complete with a timestamp, to the command line.

{{ dbt_utils.log_info("Informative log message") }}

Example output:

11:07:28 | 1 of 1 START table model analytics.fct_orders........................ [RUN]
11:07:31 + Informative log message

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