Google Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage (GCS)


This source supports loading multiple CSV files (non compressed) from a GCS directory. The source will check for all .csv files, including nested files.


Feature NameSupported
Full ImportYes
Incremental ImportNo
Start Date SelectionNo

Getting started

Requirements and prerequisites

  • JSON credentials for the service account that has access to GCS. For more details, check instructions (opens in a new tab).
  • Read permission: use the service account ID from above to grant read access to your target bucket. Click here (opens in a new tab) for more details.
  • GCS Bucket Name: specify the name of your GCS bucket.
  • Path to File(s): provide the path to the file(s) in the bucket.

Set up guide

  1. Create a new source, select Google Cloud Storage (Airbyte) from the Source type dropdown and enter a name for it.
  2. On the source setup page, create a new GCS connection, enter a unique name for it.
  3. Fill in the properties:
    • Paste the service account JSON key to Service Account Information.
    • Enter your GCS bucket name to GCS bucket.
    • Enter path to your file(s) to GCS Path. Example: SubfolderName/SubSubfolderName.


  • Cloud storage may incur egress costs. Egress refers to data that is transferred out of the cloud storage system, such as when you download files or access them from a different location. For more information, see the Google Cloud Storage pricing guide (opens in a new tab).