Table tests

Table tests

Y42 comes with the following built-in table tests:

  • Expression is true: Asserts that a valid SQL expression is true for all records. This is useful for checking integrity across columns. This implements the dbt_utils.expression_is_true (opens in a new tab) test under the hood.

  • Recency: Asserts that a timestamp column in the reference model contains data that is at least as recent as the defined date interval. This implements the dbt_utils.recency (opens in a new tab) test under the hood.

  • Mutually exclusive ranges: Asserts that for a given lower_bound_column and upper_bound_column, the ranges between the lower and upper bounds do not overlap with the ranges of another row. This implements the dbt_utils.mutually_exclusive_ranges (opens in a new tab) test under the hood.

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Advanced tests

You can declare additional tests that go beyond the built-in tests provided, in a model's .yml file.


version: 2
- name: orders
- dbt_utils.fewer_rows_than: # multi-table test
compare_model: ref('other_table_name')
- dbt_expectations.expect_table_row_count_to_be_between: # table-level test
min_value: 1
max_value: 4
- dbt_utils.recency:
datepart: day
field: created_at
interval: 1
- name: order_id
tests: # column-level tests
- unique
- not_null
- name: status
- accepted_values: # column-level test
values: ['placed', 'shipped', 'completed', 'returned']
- name: customer_id
- relationships: # multi-table test
to: ref('customers')
field: id