

Define, manage, and use connection secrets to set up sources.


A secret in Y42 is the link between the platform and the third-party service from which you wish to ingest data. For instance, you may need to create a secret to pull data from your PostgreSQL database or Facebook Marketing account. This process involves granting Y42 access permission to log into your database or access your data through a read-only user.

Secrets structure

When setting up a secret, you will need to provide the following properties:

  • Name: A unique identifier referenced in the definition of a source object.
  • Type: The third-party service you wish to connect to.
  • Restrictions: The assets/sources permitted to use the secret.
  • Location: The storage location of your secret.
  • Type settings: Specific details associated with the secret type.

Add a new secret

Secrets can be created either by using the Secret Manager or through the Source creation flow.

Add a new secret through the source creation flow.

Update a secret

Secrets can be updated either by using the Secret Manager or directly in the Source creation flow.

Update a secret through the source creation flow.

Manage secrets

You can access Secrets through the Space settings section. From there you can manage your external sources connections secrets. You can view your current secrets, add new ones, rename existing ones, or delete them as necessary.

  • Viewing secrets: The Secrets page will display a list of your existing external source secrets. Each secrets will display the name, type, and the user who created it.
  • Adding a secret: To add a new secret, click on the + Add secret button. This will open a form where you can enter the necessary information for your new secret. Once you've entered the required information, click on "Create" to add the secret.
  • Deleting a secret: If you no longer need a secret, locate the secret in the list and click on the three-dot menu at the end of the secret's row. Select Delete from the dropdown menu. You'll be asked to confirm the deletion. Once you confirm, the secret will be removed from the list.
Secrets tab

Secrets tab

Custom secrets

You can define custom secrets using the Custom secret type, which is a key-value pair where the key represents the name of the secret. This secret can be referenced in Python ingest sources or Python action assets using context.secrets.get("{SECRET_NAME}").

Custom secret type

Custom secret type


Why doesn't my secret appear in the dropdown after creation?

The secret might not appear due to several reasons:

  • You don’t have the necessary permissions to select the secret. Please check with your admin.
  • The Source is not allowed to use the secret. Please check the secret's restrictions and add the Source to the restrictions.
  • The Source is of a different type. Please create a secret with the same type as your Source.

Why can't I update certain properties of a secret?

Security considerations prevent access to some sensitive information, which may include some or all of the secret's settings. Please create a new secret if you need to change secret settings.