Behavior changes

Behavior changes

To help you manage your operations and minimize disruption to your Y42 experience, we document all platform behavior changes that could affect how you use our platform on this page.

You can manually update the apiVersion in Code mode if you choose to align your existing assets with one of the previous API standards. To change the apiVersion in Code mode you need to open the respective yaml file and edit or update the property in <asset-kind>.config.y42.apiVersion to the desired version.

version: 2
- name: source_name
type: source-type
connection: connection-name
apiVersion: v3 # change me

For assets that were created before the introduction of the apiVersion we default to v1 . You can manually add the config.y42.apiVersion for those assets.

Release dateAsset TypeapiVersionChangeChange DescriptionRecommended Action
2024-02-08Sourcev3Source tables include the metadata timestamp field _y42_extracted_atThis field indicates when a value was extracted at the source or, if not available, when it was written on Y42's side.There is no required action. Any full import after the apiVersion upgrade will automatically add the _y42_extracted_at column to your tables.
2024-01-09Sourcev2Auto-capitalize column and table names on Snowflake.Capitalize Snowflake table and column names to be compatible with the default Snowflake behavior on unquoted columns. This leads to better autocomplete in BI tools and within Y42’s own SQL editor.Review whether downstream models explicitly quote columns and remove the quotes after the upgrade. Your SQL queries will fail if you keep existing quoted columns in place.