Virtual Data Builds

Virtual data builds


Y42 adopts a novel build execution strategy, Virtual Builds, to manage data in the data warehouse. In a nutshell, Virtual Builds provide the following benefits:

  • Reduced storage and compute costs in the data warehouse
  • Warp speed branching and zero-overhead environment setup (in fact, little to no need for environment management at all).
  • Instant deployment and roll-backs - simply merge a branch to deploy data or undo a commit to roll back changes.
  • Zero setup required - virtual builds just work, you don’t need to write a single line of YAML configuration to reap the same benefits that zero-copy clones provide.

How Virtual Builds work

Virtual Builds separate virtual tables, as defined in SQL and YAML files, from physical tables - the actual data materialized in the data warehouse. This allows for efficient updates to the physical tables and keeps the data synchronized with Git branches.


What happens to the associated data warehouse view when you delete an asset in Y42

Deleting an asset (such as a source table or model) in Y42 will alter the asset's YAML file. After committing these changes, the matching view within the data warehouse will be removed as well.

What happens to the associated data warehouse view when you rename an asset in Y42?

Renaming an asset (such as a source table or model) in Y42 will automatically commit the changes to the asset's YAML file (unlike deleting an asset, where you have to explicitly commit). The corresponding view in the data warehouse will be updated to mirror the new name of the asset.